Yayın tarihi: 23 / 04 / 12
The Offspring yeni album detaylarını açıkladı.Albumun ismi “Days Go By” ve bu yaz çıkacak. Albüm kapağı ve şarkı listesi ise şu şekilde:
1) The Future Is Now
2) Secrets From The Underground
3) Days Go By
4) Turning Into You
5) Hurting As One
6) Cruising California (Bumpin’ In My Trunk)
7) All I Have Left Is You
8) OC Guns
9) Dirty Magic
10) I Wanna Secret Family (With You)
11) Dividing By Zero
12) Slim Pickens Does The Right Thing And Rides The Bomb To Hell

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The OffspringThe Offspring album kapağıThe Offspring new albumThe Offspring newsThe Offspring teaserThe Offspring yeni albüm